European CMBS; CMBS 2.0; CMBS Issuance; CREFC; CMBS 2015

During the European Autumn CREFC conference, a panel of leading CMBS participants were posed the question of whether European CMBS was stuck at the bar while the market danced.  The general consensus of the panel was that although CMBS may have moved away from the bar, it was standing very much at the edge of the dance floor.  Given the disappointing level of CMBS issuance for 2014 compared to 2013 and the roller coaster ride experienced by CMBS participants since the global financial crisis, it is understandable that the panel were reticent to give a more uplifting view on the state of the CMBS market.  But despite CMBS failing to have braved the dance floor in 2014, there is every sign that CMBS has a feel for the beat and that 2015 may be the year that we finally see CMBS throw some shapes.

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